FACULTY KUDOS: Achieving the Dream launches Operationalizing Equity Webinar series; Taps Jennifer Townes for national panel

By Diana Fedinec

Dr. Jennifer Townes, Southwest’s assistant vice-president of Professional Development & Employee EngagementAchieving the Dream launched its inaugural Operationalizing Equity Webinar series on Jan. 27, 2022 with guest panelist Dr. Jennifer Townes, Southwest’s assistant vice-president of Professional Development & Employee Engagement. Townes was invited to join the series’ team of panelists who will take part in four national webinars focused on advancing inclusive teaching and learning practices that address issues of equity and access in higher education institutions. 

Each of the panelists will be present throughout the series to discuss and share their teaching practices relative to the area of culturally responsive teaching. 

“I was honored to be invited to speak and share evidence-based teaching practices that I have personally used in the classroom,” Townes said. “Though I was sharing my expertise, it was also an opportunity to learn from other faculty, staff, and administrators across the country who are dedicated to advancing equitable outcomes for students. I’m excited to be able to bring back what I’ve learned to share with my colleagues at Southwest.” 

The topic of the first webinar was Curating Inclusive Course Content that Centers Students and Equity. It explored how to design course content that is intentionally inclusive of diverse students, perspectives, cultures and lived experiences. Participants were able to take a deep dive into sharing best practices on developing course content, curriculum, and materials that engage students of color in ways that are meaningful to them.  

For more information on the next webinar to be offered through the Operationalizing Equity series, please contact H. Ray Keith, ATD Program Development Consultant at hrkeith@achievingthedream.org