Student Success @ Southwest: E-Weekly - January 12, 2021

Southwest Tennessee Community College wants you to succeed in all your classes, extracurricular activities and work life. Below are some timely announcements from Retention & Student Success @ Southwest! If you have any burning questions and haven't found the answers, let us know at!

Your Week in Brief… 01/12/21

  1. Career Services: 10 Steps to Career Development Success
  2. Get Advised for Classes: Make an Appointment
  3. Join the SMARTS Mentoring Program

Are you undecided about your major and future career?  Many students find it helpful to take a free career assessment to identify (or confirm) careers best-matched to their interests and strengths.  We offer the Career Coach assessment that’s free, mobile-friendly and only takes 3-5 minutes to complete.  You can also learn about daily duties, salary, job outlook, required education, potential employers and more for your top-match careers! 

Did you know that Career Services offers online career planning appointments? You can schedule yours by visiting: and selecting “Career Services” as the care unit.  We can meet with you via phone, email or Microsoft Teams. During your virtual appointment, we’d be glad to review your assessment results, listen to your career ideas and answer any questions you have.  We can also provide information about our resume, job search, intern, and interview services.  In the meantime, you can visit our website: for more information. 
Have a fantastic week!

Get Help with the Advising Syllabus
Follow the link for the syllabus:

How to Reach A Professional Academic Advisor

  • The Advising Call Center is 901.333.5122, M-F, 8am-4:30pm.
  • Call-In Wednesdays, 901.333.5122. Spot-on-Advising, which means you can speak with an PAA on the SPOT.
  • Schedule an Appointment

To schedule an advising appointment, please click on the link, 

To log in using the link: 
Your, which is your Southwest email 
Your password 
Click on Appointments

Navigating your first college semester and year can be sometimes difficult. And doing it during this pandemic may get extremely difficult. If you want a personal mentor who you can partner with to walk with you to answer questions and maybe offer guidance and advice, please consider joining the SMARTS Mentoring Program. SMARTS stands for Southwest Mentors Advancing Retention, Teamwork and Success.  We have mentors ready and willing to give you the assistance you need as well as connect you with the many resources available for you as a Saluqi.  

Please follow the link below and complete the form. If you are a new student, please answer how many credit hours you have this semester and your GPA will be 0. All boxes in the form must be completed. We will connect you with the program in a few days. Don't worry... Help is on the way.