Immunizations Required Under Tennessee State Law

Note: Please read the information below and agree to the statement at the bottom of the page to download the Certificate of Immunization.

Full-time students (12 credit hours or more per semester) will need to show proof of having received two doses of the Measles, Mumps, Rubella (MMR) and Varicella (Chickenpox) vaccines unless you fall into one of the exemption categories. You can attend part-time (11 credit hours or less per semester) without MMR or Varicella documentation.

Photocopies are acceptable and documentation must be in English or translated into English.

Tennessee law effective July 1, 2003 requires that all new students be provided information about the risks of Hepatitis B infection and the availability and effectiveness of the vaccine. The student (18 and older) or parent/guardian must sign a waiver form indicating that they have received the information and have chosen to have the vaccine or not to have the vaccine.

Provide Proof of Immunity

  • A positive result for all three components of the MMR Titer test
  • A positive result for the Varicella Zoster test

Have Both Immunizations Again

  • Immunizations must be given 30 days apart; therefore, after the student has their first immunization, a temporary waiver will be given so the student can register for full-time credit hours.


  • Students born prior to January 1, 1957
  • Students who graduated from a public or private high school in Tennessee in May 1999 or at any point in time thereafter
  • Students who attended a public or private school in Tennessee for grades kindergarten through 12 for any period of time on or after July 1, 2001
  • Students who are classified as active duty military personnel and provide proof of their active duty service
  • Students who were previously enrolled as a full-time student at a Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) college or university for at least one full semester after August 1, 2007


  • Students born prior to 1980
  • Students who graduated from a public or private high school in Tennessee in May 2016 or at any point in time thereafter

MMR and Varicella

  • Students who provide a signed written statement, affirmed under penalty of perjury, that their religious tenets and practices prohibit their receipt of any type of immunization (Note: A parent or guardian must sign the statement of a student if under the age of 18.)
  • Students with written documentation from a physician certifying that they are allergic to the vaccine
  • Students with written documentation from a physician attesting that they have a diagnosed case of all three diseases covered by the MMR vaccine and/or Varicella
  • Students with written documentation of their laboratory confirmed immunity to all three diseases covered by the MMR vaccine and/or Varicella
  • Students attending part-time
  • Students enrolled in only online classes

  • Students who graduated from a public or private Tennessee high school between May 1979 and December 1998 are required to provide proof of receipt after the date of their graduation of the second dose of the MMR vaccination if attending full-time (MMR)
  • Students who graduated from public or private Tennessee high school between May 1999 and May 2016 are required to provide proof of receipt after the date of their graduation of the second dose of Varicella vaccination if attending full-time (Varicella)

  • Student who are pregnant, nursing or if less than 30 days between the first and second dose of vaccine. Student who have just received their first dose of MMR or the Varicella vaccines and are required to wait 30 days between vaccinations must wait until specific waiver periods before a waiver will be granted.

I agree that by downloading this form I have read completely the instructions above and am prepared to abide by the necessary regulations under the law.

Download the Form