Digital Learning Course Offerings

The list of online courses and hybrid courses contains links to the course syllabus, PAWS login and instructor email. For each of the course types listed below, students access the courses via the Internet by logging into PAWS at

An online course is conducted via the Internet with no on-campus instruction and no on-campus classroom time, but may utilize online or proctored testing. Students access course material online and follow instructions provided by an instructor. Courses may be structured so that students work independently or may involve significant interaction among students. Most courses have set schedules and due dates. Southwest online courses known as PAWS are identified by a section beginning with 'L' (Example: ACAD-1100-L01). To access Southwest online (PAWS), go to

If your online course has a section beginning with 'R,' it is a TN eCampus course. See the TN eCampus information below. View the online courses.

A hybrid course is a blend of face-to-face instruction with online learning. These courses are also known as split or blended courses due to the nature of the learning environment. In a hybrid course, a significant part of the course learning is online and as a result, the amount of classroom time is reduced but not eliminated. This allows coursework to be scheduled flexibly, promotes independent learning and decreases time spent commuting. Southwest hybrid courses are identified by a section that includes 'H' (Example: ACCT-1010-1H1). View the hybrid courses. To access the online portion of hybrid courses, access PAWS at

Flex (A Faster Learning EXperience) course could be a Flex extended course that has a later start date than a full semester course, or it is an accelerated seven week course, either the first seven weeks or the second seven weeks of the semester. Flex courses are offered in traditional, online and hybrid formats.  View the FLEX courses.

The Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) offers courses statewide through the TN eCampus. All the institutions are fully accredited. Courses completed in TN eCampus are entirely online and transferable among all the participating institutions. Students are able to choose the college or university (home school) for their admission, registration, and the award of their degree.

Course sections are designated with an 'R' (Example: GEOG-2010-R50). Course fees and schedules vary, so be sure to check for current information. To access TN eCampus courses, go to

Your TN eCampus Student Campus Liaison for Southwest is:

Karla Blume
(901) 333-4073

More information about TN eCampus courses through Southwest, please visit


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