We hope you have enjoyed reading the myriad of stories in this year’s SCOOP as much as we have enjoyed publishing them. We have had a great year and are excited about the coming school year.

Daphne Thomas, Executive Director for Communications, Marketing and Community Relations

Daphne J. Thomas, Executive Director for Communications, Marketing and Community Relations

We plan to cover student and faculty news more robustly and continue to publish features on campus events and activities. Special thanks to our regular column contributors Michael K. Gentry (Saluqi Corner), Julia Rhea (Mental Health Corner), Iliana Ricelli (HR Corner) and Brenda Williams (Career Services Corner), as well as to the many other writers who contributed to the publication throughout the year.

Thank you to our readers. I hope you enjoy this summer issue. We will see you in September when we will begin publishing the first week of the month. Submission deadline for the Fall issue is Aug. 5. Thank you, again, for your support and keep those submissions coming. We are always on the lookout for great news to share Southwest’s phenomenal story.

Happy reading!

Daphne J. Thomas