Laptop Loan Program

Don’t have a computer? It’s OK, but act today!  Full time and part-time students are eligible to borrow devices for the semester. Applying for a laptop is easy. You can do it from your mobile phone! Southwest degree-seeking students who are REGISTERED for classes are eligible to borrow a device.

Once you register for classes, the LAPTOP LOAN PROGRAM icon will appear in your My.Southwest portal dashboard. Click the icon, fill out the form completely and choose your pickup location.

Students picking up laptops will be emailed instructions for location and time via their Southwest email address.

Devices will be loaned out on a first-come, first served basis. Preference will be given to full-time students who have completed a financial aid packet.

If there are more eligible applicants than laptops available, students not awarded a laptop will be placed on a waiting list and may receive a laptop should machines become available later in the semester.

For more information about the Laptop Loan Program, call 901-333-4357.


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