Vendor Information

Bidding Requirements

Informal bids/price quotations are obtained if the estimated amount of the purchase is at least $10,000 but less than $50,000. Written or telephone bids must be solicited from a minimum of three (3) qualified vendors.

Formal bids/price quotations are obtained if the estimated amount of the purchase is $50,000 or more. Written sealed bids must be solicited from a minimum of fifteen (15) qualified vendors or the number of vendors on the Vendors List, whichever is less.

The bids state an opening date and time. The bids shall be received in the Southwest Purchasing and Auxiliary Services department, 5983 Macon Cove, Memphis, TN 38134, on or before the date and time specified.

Vendors may request to be added to our bidders list. A Bidder Application is available from the Purchasing and Auxiliary Services department, or it may be downloaded from our website. It includes an application and a listing of commodities that help us determine who is eligible to bid on particular goods and services. The application must be completed, notarized, and returned to the Purchasing and Auxiliary Services department.

Completion of the bidder application does not ensure that all vendors on the bid list will receive a bid. Our bid documents are posted in the Purchasing and Auxiliary Services department, and we encourage vendors to check the board for potential business with us frequently.

Direct Contact with Departments

Direct discussions between departments and vendors for preliminary information are encouraged. Product demonstrations can be arranged through coordination with the Purchasing and Auxiliary Services department and the departments. However, all orders in excess of $1000 must be approved by the Purchasing and Auxiliary Services department with an approved purchase order number. Failure to obtain a purchase order prior to placement of an order may result in non-payment by the college.

Departmental Purchase of Goods Under $1000

Authorized departmental personnel of the college may purchase goods under $1000 without an approved purchase order, provided that the vendor will furnish the goods on credit without a purchase order and will invoice the college after delivery. Departmental personnel is then responsible for attaching the invoice to a Southwest Payment Request Form and forwarding it to Accounts Payable for payment.

Contact Information/Delivery Addresses

Southwest is a multi-campus college. Please pay attention to the ship to section of each purchase order to determine where goods are to be delivered. Indicate our purchase order number on all packages and packing lists. Visit the Contact Information/Delivery Addresses page for additional information.

Code of Ethics

The Southwest Purchasing and Auxiliary Services department subscribes to the Tennessee Board of Regents (TBR) Code of Ethics in Procurement and Contracting.

Form Required with All Bids

Minimum General Bid Conditions


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