Apprenticeship Coordinator Roshunda Buchanan earns ACCA certification; looks to diversify college’s business connections

By Chris Caldwell 

Business and Technologies Apprenticeship Coordinator Roshunda Buchanan
Business and Technologies Apprenticeship
Coordinator Roshunda Buchanan

Southwest Tennessee Community College Business and Technologies Apprenticeship Coordinator Roshunda Buchanan has completed the American Contract Compliance Association Contract Compliance Administrator certification program. Buchanan earned her CCA certification while attending the ACCA’s National Training Institute in Charlotte, North Carolina, Aug. 22-26, 2022. Typically, it requires two years of training. 

The institute provides training in equitable employment and contracting practices and covers topics such as compliance monitoring, affirmative action, economic diversity and development, leadership development and civil rights. 

“I was ecstatic to learn that higher education institutions were members of the ACCA,” Buchanan said. “I manage  grant compliance for the Business and Technologies apprenticeship program so this was a very relevant and beneficial certification to have, especially since the program’s  professional development training courses are closely aligned with promoting student development.” Buchanan added that the department’s faculty are always exploring ways to align their curriculum with the workforce in a way that levels the playing field for all students.

Completion of the program means Southwest is now a member of ACCA, and by joining the ACCA, the college can develop more diverse and strategic partnerships that will meet the needs of the city, region, and state. One connection already benefitting the college is an association with the Tennessee Electric Vehicle Infrastructure. 

“TEVI can help our apprenticeship program expand by providing a workforce infrastructure in Memphis that includes the creation of pre-apprenticeship programs that lead to registered apprenticeships, dual enrollment, and funding opportunities,” Buchanan said. “I look forward to working with TEVI and together with our partner, the Tennessee Small Business Development Center, I hope to broaden our connections to more minority businesses.” 

For more information about the department of Business and Technologies’ apprenticeship program, contact Roshunda Buchanan