Welcome to Kristine Williams, Southwest’s new digital content coordinator!

By Diana Fedinec
Krissi WilliamsKristine Williams has joined Southwest as the College’s new digital content coordinator in the department of Communications, Marketing and Community Relations. She began her new role managing the College’s website Sept. 17, 2021. 
Williams formerly served as a consultant during the launch of Southwest's new web design and content management system. Her knowledge of the College’s new Modern Campus website platform has allowed a smooth transition into her new role. 

Prior to joining Southwest, Williams amassed more than 16 years of experience as a web designer and developer using various computer languages such as HTML, CSS, PHP, Javascript, Flash and more. Her expansive expertise includes front and back-end coding, proficiency in Dreamweaver, Illustrator, Visual Studio and other design programs, applications development and systems analysis. 
Since moving to Memphis from Northern Virginia more than 20 years ago, Williams has freelanced and worked for a myriad of companies and organizations that include Consilience Group, Beale Street Caravan, Glanker Brown, Legacy Memphis, Maria Montessori School and Storyboard Memphis. 
“I was first introduced to HTML coding in the early 2000s and have been working on websites ever since, but I’ve been into tech since I was a kid,” Williams said. “For me, working on websites is like being an artist where my medium is code.” 
Williams earned a bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Management of Information Systems from the University of Mississippi – DeSoto. She and her husband have two children, two dogs and two cats. In her spare time, she enjoys board and roleplaying games and is an amateur cosplayer.
Have a website request? Please complete the College’s new website request form. Kristine can be reached at webmaster@southwest.tn.edu

Please join the College in welcoming Kristine to the Southwest family!