Police Services and Public Safety earns prestigious accreditation

By Diana Fedinec and TLEA staff 

TLEA accreditation
Southwest’s Public Safety and Police Services
Director L. Angela Webb (center) receives the department’s
accreditation certificate from TACP President Mark
Yother. Surrounding them are (left to right) Southwest
Officer Nigel Payne, Assistant Director Ernest
Greenleaf and Officers Jon Burleson and Don Drewry.

Congratulations to Southwest Police Services and Public Safety Director L. Angela Webb and her team on earning Tennessee Law Enforcement Accreditation (TLEA). TLEA announced this first accreditation award for the department during the Tennessee Association of Chiefs of Police (TACP) meeting in Franklin, TN, Sept. 29, 2021.

TLEA accreditation is awarded to agencies that voluntarily submit to a four-year process of enhancing the agency’s professionalism and effectiveness according to 164 law enforcement standards and participate in a thorough on-site assessment. Agency polices are assessed according to the standards that address a variety of areas, including organizational, operational and budget management practices. The TLEA program is intended to encourage cooperation, recognize professional standing, develop professional services and ensure public safety throughout the State of Tennessee.

Webb says the accreditation represents a significant professional achievement and acknowledges her team’s successful implementation of conceptually sound and operationally effective written directives, policies, and procedures. “We continually strive to provide the highest level of services to our campus community,” Webb said. “Receiving this award validates our commitment to safety, security, and to serving and protecting students, employees and our institution. I am extremely proud of the hard work our accreditation team put into making this dream a reality.”